VocaliD Voice Types
Would your friends describe your voice as a feather or a motorcycle?
Discover Your Voice TypeTO CELEBRATE THE UNIQUENESS OF EACH VOICE while identifying patterns across speakers, VocaliD developed a taxonomy of 16 *distinct voice types. Explore the full list of VocaliD voice types.
The VocaliD voice types are based on four binary features:
- Respiratory Drive (Soft/Loud)
- Vocal Pitch (High/Deep)
- Breathiness (Breathy/Modal)
- Resonance (Nasal/Oral)
Respiratory Drive is the amount of force behind your voice, making it either loud or soft.
Vocal Pitch lies on a continuum of high to deep based on age and gender.
Breathiness is determined by how much air usually escapes past your vocal folds when voicing.
Resonance is based on whether your voice primarily resonates in the nasal cavity or the oral cavity.


SHBN – Soft High Breathy Nasal
There is a relatively small amount of force
behind your voice, so it sounds Soft.
The pitch of your voice was above the
frequency threshold for your sex and age,
making it High.
A lot of air tends to escape when you
are voicing, giving your voice a Breathy
Your voice primarily resonates in your
nasal cavity, meaning your voice is Nasal.


SHBO – Soft High Breathy Oral
There is a relatively small amount of force
behind your voice, so it sounds Soft.
The pitch of your voice was above the
frequency threshold for your sex and age,
making it High.
A lot of air tends to escape when you
are voicing, giving your voice a Breathy
Your voice primarily resonates in your
oral cavity, meaning your voice is Oral.

Beach Ball
Beach Ball

SHMN – Soft High Modal Nasal
There is a relatively small amount of force
behind your voice, so it sounds Soft.
The pitch of your voice was above the
frequency threshold for your sex and age,
making it High.
Only a little air tends to escape when you
are voicing, giving your voice a Modal
Your voice primarily resonates in your
nasal cavity, meaning your voice is Nasal.


SHMO – Soft High Modal Oral
There is a relatively small amount of force
behind your voice, so it sounds Soft.
The pitch of your voice was above the
frequency threshold for your sex and age,
making it High.
Only a little air tends to escape when you
are voicing, giving your voice a Modal
Your voice primarily resonates in your oral
cavity, meaning your voice is is Oral.

Cushy Sofa
Cushy Sofa

SDBN – Soft Deep Breathy Nasal
There is a relatively small amount of force
behind your voice, so it sounds Soft.
The pitch of your voice was below the
frequency threshold for your sex and age,
making it Deep.
A lot of air tends to escape when you
are voicing, giving your voice a Breathy
Your voice primarily resonates in your
nasal cavity, meaning your voice is Nasal.


SDBO – Soft, Deep, Breathy, Oral
There is a relatively small amount of force
behind your voice, so it sounds Soft.
The pitch of your voice was below the
frequency threshold for your sex and age,
making it Deep.
A lot of air tends to escape when you
are voicing, giving your voice a Breathy
Your voice primarily resonates in your oral
cavity, meaning your voice is Oral.


SDMN – Soft Deep Modal Nasal
There is a relatively small amount of force
behind your voice, so it sounds Soft.
The pitch of your voice was below the
frequency threshold for your sex and age,
making it Deep.
Only a little air tends to escape when you
are voicing, giving your voice a Modal
Your voice primarily resonates in your
nasal cavity, meaning your voice is Nasal.


SDMO – Soft Deep Modal Oral
There is a relatively small amount of force
behind your voice, so it sounds Soft.
The pitch of your voice was below the
frequency threshold for your sex and age,
making it Deep.
Only a little air tends to escape when you
are voicing, giving your voice a Modal
Your voice primarily resonates in your oral
cavity, meaning your voice is Oral.


LHBO – Loud High Breathy Oral
There is a relatively large amount of force
behind your voice, so it sounds Loud.
The pitch of your voice was above the
frequency threshold for your sex and age,
making it High.
A lot of air tends to escape when you
are voicing, giving your voice a Breathy
Your voice primarily resonates in your
oral cavity, meaning your voice is Oral.


LDBN – Loud Deep Breathy Nasal
There is a relatively large amount of force
behind your voice, so it sounds Loud.
The pitch of your voice was below the
frequency threshold for your sex and age,
making it Deep.
A lot of air tends to escape when you
are voicing, giving your voice a Breathy
Your voice primarily resonates in your
nasal cavity, meaning your voice is Nasal.


LHMO – Loud High Modal Oral
There is a relatively large amount of force
behind your voice, so it sounds Loud
The pitch of your voice was above the
frequency threshold for your sex and age,
making it High.
Only a little air tends to escape when you
are voicing, giving your voice a Modal
Your voice primarily resonates in your oral
cavity, meaning your voice is Oral.


LHMN – Loud High Modal Nasal
There is a relatively large amount of force
behind your voice, so it sounds Loud.
The pitch of your voice was above the
frequency threshold for your sex and age,
making it High.
Only a little air tends to escape when you
are voicing, giving your voice a Modal
Your voice primarily resonates in your
nasal cavity, meaning your voice is Nasal.


LHMN – Loud High Modal Nasal
There is a relatively large amount of force
behind your voice, so it sounds Loud.
The pitch of your voice was above the
frequency threshold for your sex and age,
making it High.
Only a little air tends to escape when you
are voicing, giving your voice a Modal
Your voice primarily resonates in your
nasal cavity, meaning your voice is Nasal.


LHMO – Loud Deep Breathy Oral
There is a relatively large amount of force
behind your voice, so it sounds Loud.
The pitch of your voice was below the
frequency threshold for your sex and age,
making it Deep.
A lot of air tends to escape when you
are voicing, giving your voice a Breathy
Your voice primarily resonates in your oral
cavity, meaning your voice is Oral.


LHMO – Loud Deep Breathy Oral
There is a relatively large amount of force
behind your voice, so it sounds Loud.
The pitch of your voice was below the
frequency threshold for your sex and age,
making it Deep.
A lot of air tends to escape when you
are voicing, giving your voice a Breathy
Your voice primarily resonates in your oral
cavity, meaning your voice is Oral.


LDMO – Loud Deep Modal Oral
There is a relatively large amount of force
behind your voice, so it sounds Loud.
The pitch of your voice was below the
frequency threshold for your sex and age,
making it Deep.
Only a little air tends to escape when you
are voicing, giving your voice a Modal
Your voice primarily resonates in your oral
cavity, meaning your voice is Oral.
*NOTE: Men, women, and children of various ages may all have the same voice type, in fact, all of these categories are relatively defined, and none are better or worse than others.