Voice is more than a means to communicate information. It connects us in a deep and powerful way. The sound of a voice, like a perfume, can transport the listener to a time, place, and person in ways that words or images alone can not.
This ability to transport us is why we save voicemail messages and videos of our loved ones to listen to when they are away or no longer with us — to archive the memory of their voice.
Voice preservation is the same concept, but with the protection against accidental deletion or technology obsolescence — advances that make that recording or video no longer accessible.
Voice preservation isn’t only for preserving the voices and stories of our loved ones. It is also a powerful way to preserve one’s own vocal identity in case of illness or accident. Your vocal identity is the unique way in which you sound, unlike anyone else —like a vocal thumbprint.
Whether you are at risk for head and neck cancer or other degenerative illnesses which may lead you to loss of speech or not, consider banking your voice today as insurance should you need it later. One you bank (or record) your voice in VocaliD’s Human Voicebank, you can rest assured that it will be there for you, should you ever need to have your recordings transformed into an AI-voice. Your AI-voice acts as a custom voice prosthesis allowing you to retain your vocal identity on an assistive communication device or our text-to-speech communication app, MyVocaliD.
Learn more about our AI-voice prosthesis Vocal Legacy and discover how you can retain your vocal identity after speech loss.
VocaliD brings diverse voice to everyone. We believe in the power of one’s unique individuality and that everyone should have the ability to choose a voice that fits their personality.
Based on the discovery that a single vowel contains enough “vocal DNA” to seed the voice personalization process, VocaliD was founded by speech scientist Dr. Rupal Patel, with a strong social mission to create the first-ever custom voices for those living with speechlessness.
Today, as recognized experts in human speech and voice technology visionaries, our work has expanded beyond the healthcare realm, offering our services to brands, voice talent, and individuals seeking a way to preserve their voice for themselves or their loved ones.
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